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About the project

The objective of “SayIT” project is the strengthening of key competences in initial and continuing VET for IT professionals through reinforcing their soft skills and making them more qualified and competitive on a professional level. SayIT project primarily addresses IT professionals who are hampered in their professional development due to the lack of relevant soft skills. The project also addresses relevant stakeholders who can influence the training programmes offered for the professionals of the IT sector.

The expected impact of the SayIT project can be characterised as increased awareness of the importance of soft skills among IT professionals. IT professionals reached by SayIT project activities should ideally have better understanding and recognition of skills and qualifications related especially to the IT professions, improved access to innovative learning materials tailored to the IT professions, improved career opportunities through application of soft skills training, improved professional behaviours thanks to increased recognition of soft skills, and finally, increased satisfaction from working in a professional environment. Through the planned activities, SayIT project is expected to contribute towards the shift in perceiving the qualities that constitute a successful and valuable IT professional on the labour market. The goals of the project will be achieved by developing two innovative training materials:

1.Soft Skills curriculum for IT Professionals

2.Soft Skills Trainer app

More information can be found is the Results section.